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Most important Short Questions with Answers Sea Fever by John Masefield

  Sea Fever 1) Who wrote the poem ‘Sea Fever’? Ans:- John Masefield wrote the poem ’Sea Fever’. 2) What was the favourite place of the poet?  Ans:- To see the sea was the favourite place of the poet.  3) What do you mean by steer?  Ans:- Steer means to control the direction of movement.  4) What was the colour of mist on the sea’s face?  Ans:- The colour of the mist was grey.  5) What thing did not the poet deny?  Ans:- The poet can not deny the call of running tide.  6) Write the name of Sea-bird?  Ans:- Sea-gull is the name of a sea-bird.  7) Who wants to live a gypsy life?  Ans:- The poet wants to become a gypsy life.  8) Write the name of the sea-animal?  Ans:- Whale, a name of the sea-animal.  9) What do you mean by whetted knife? Ans:- Whetted knife means sharpened knife.  10) What kind of day does the poet prefer for siling?  Ans:- The poet prefers vagrant gypsy lives in a sea-gull and whale’s way.  11) What does the poet do when the

A note on Metaphysical Poets or Poems in English Literature

Introduction: In the 17th Century a  new sensation of spirituality was blowing in the history of English Literature that was none but Metaphysical Poems by Metaphysical poets. They shook the Literary world to give immortality to philosophy and spiritual love in the name of Metaphysical . This term is related to metaphysics , derived from the Greek word, Meta means- beyond and Physics means Science . So, metaphysical poems are not discussed in the sense of science. Other poets's point of view: According to  Augustan poet John Dryden , John Donne was inspired the essence of metaphysics in his " Discourse " and Dr. Johnson  used this Metaphysical term from Dryden's phrase and used it for Metaphysical poets , On the other hand, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote, about metaphysical "The unnatural, that too is natural". Metaphysical poets and Metaphysical elements: Most prominent metaphysical poet is John Donne and other works were for

The classic Novel Wuthering Heights as a Gothic Novel by Emily Bronte

Introduction: Emily Bronte best Classic far-famed chronicle " Wuthering heights " is an advantageous combination of "Gothic elements". Gothic novel is a genre of creative writings that connects fundamentals of both fear and loathing and romance in gothic history. The aerosphere is gloomy, brat and mysterious in the novel " Wuthering Heights ". We face-off a sky which is disconsolate and lonely the senile mansion Wuthering Heights and the wasteland entirety non-standard in to be dingy and mysterious  Mysterious House:  Gothic novel is recurrently set on a washed-up stronghold or irreclaimable house. The background of Wuthering heights is furthermore a destroyed fortress which is full-of-the-moon of terrorism and mystery. In Gothic novel the leading character is unremarkably villain. We acquisition a blackguard anti-hero in death-dealing elevations whose denomination is Heathcliff, Heathcliff is the beyond comparison Gothic Villain .   He is

Write a note on Pre- Raphaelite Poets or Poems in English literature

Before the discussion of Pre- Raphaelite Poets or Poem , Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood or Pre- Raphaelite Movement is very important to know, because Without Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, Pre- Raphaelite Poets do not exist. What is the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood or movement? Pre- Raphaelite is an artistic Movement started in England in 1948 by a group of poets , painters and critics, mainly three - Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William H. Hunt, John Everett Millais in London and called the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood who rejected the artistic creativity by Raphael , the Italian great painter that was started by the English Royal Academy. How many members were Pre-Raphaelite? There are seven members of a group with poets,painters and critics. William H. Hunt, John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Michael Rossetti, James Collinson, Frederic George Stephens and Woolner in 1948 in London in response to the English Royal Academy of Arts. Some names of Artistic paint