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Showing posts from March 18, 2022

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Most important Short Questions with Answers Sea Fever by John Masefield

  Sea Fever 1) Who wrote the poem ‘Sea Fever’? Ans:- John Masefield wrote the poem ’Sea Fever’. 2) What was the favourite place of the poet?  Ans:- To see the sea was the favourite place of the poet.  3) What do you mean by steer?  Ans:- Steer means to control the direction of movement.  4) What was the colour of mist on the sea’s face?  Ans:- The colour of the mist was grey.  5) What thing did not the poet deny?  Ans:- The poet can not deny the call of running tide.  6) Write the name of Sea-bird?  Ans:- Sea-gull is the name of a sea-bird.  7) Who wants to live a gypsy life?  Ans:- The poet wants to become a gypsy life.  8) Write the name of the sea-animal?  Ans:- Whale, a name of the sea-animal.  9) What do you mean by whetted knife? Ans:- Whetted knife means sharpened knife.  10) What kind of day does the poet prefer for siling?  Ans:- The poet prefers vagrant gypsy lives in a sea-gull and whale’s way.  11) What does the poet do when the

Character of Touchstone in the light of As You Like It.

Introduction : Amid the Shakespeare's pleasant Characters, Touchstone in " As You Like It" will always remain one of the paradigmatic touchstones. Much more important than In Dogberry in " Much Ado ", much more comic than Malvolio in " Twelfth Night " and much more witty than Bottom in "A Midsummer Night's Dream". He transforms the jealousy-riven and love-laden structure of the Play into a texture of joy and hairy, humour and peasantry. As John Palmer points out, " His part in the comedy is to shed the light of reality and common sense upon its fanciful figure and diversions  in "Comic Characters in Shakespeare". Touchstone to  Reality: Touchstone opens the door of reality alone and can set both the court and the idyllic Arden, both hated and love-enchanted. Although it has often been maintained that Touchstone is all Wit and no emotion. One must esteem him as a royal servant who without any illusion as

Top Most 14 Important Topics about Far From The Madding Crowd

1) Who is the writer of the Novel Far From The Madding Crowd? Victorian Writer and the famous creator of Tragic Heroine Thomas Hardy wrote the Novel Far From The Madding Crowd . 1874 is the publication year but anonymously appears in monthly serial in Cornhill Magazine, 2) What kind of Novel Far From the Madding Crowd? *Pastoral Novel for the Wessex region *Rustic Novel for Rustic Characters *Victorian Novel for the written timeline of the Victorian Age. 3) What does the title Far From the Madding Crowd mean? A peaceful place from the frenzied actions of any large crowd or from the bustle civilization of town. 4) What is the theme of Far from the madding crowd? Fate, True Love, Pastoral Life. *Fate: Everything is determined by fate. *True Love : Gabriel's true love for Bathsheba *Pastoral Life : Rustic Characters are happy with Farming and Sheeping  5) Who are the main characters in Far from the Madding crowd?   *Gabriel Oak : A true Lover of Bathsheba and down to ear