Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales – Some Points to be noted*
1. *The Host* - Harry Bailey
2. *Knight's Tale* - Arcite, Palamon and Emelye (Source - Boccaccio's Teseida) - Longest Tale – iambic pentameter
3. *Miller* - His name was Robin
4. *Miller's Tale* - Carpenter named John and His wife Alisoun, Absolon - Flood and misdirected kiss
5. *Reeve* - Oswald (Once a carpenter)
6. *Reeve's Tale* - Symkyn is a miller in the Tale. John and Aleyn
7. *The Cook's Tale* - Never finished tale - Main Character Perkyn
8. *Man of Law Story* - A Muslim Ruler and Christian Girl (Custance) - Banquet Massacre, Northumberland and Hermengyld, Satan 👺, Alla - the king of Northumberland, Custance and Alla Marry, Birth of Mauricius, Donegild - Villian, Mauricius becomes Emperor - Source - Trivet and Gower.
9. *Wife of Bath's Tale* - King Arthur's Court, women want control of their husbands and their own lives 👈
10. *The Frair's Tale* - A widow, A corrupt Summoner and Yeoman (Satan)
11. *The Summoner's Tale* - Thomas and his wife, Corrupt Frair
12. *The Clerk's Tale* - The Clerk is from Oxford. Story of Griselda and Walter - Source - Boccacio's Decameron.
13. *Merchant's Tale* - mocks anti-feminist literature, January.
14. *The Squire's Tale* - Genghis Khan, sub-plot - Canace and her ring.
15. *The Franklin's Tale* - Arveragus,Dorigen, magician-scholar
16. *The Physician's Tale* - Virginius, Appius, Claudius, Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus
17. *Pardnoer's Tale* - Death and the three young men, - Greed is the root of all evils
18. *The Shipman's Tale* - a merchant, his wife, a young monk
19. *The Prioress's Tale* - Madam Eglantine - name of Prioress, a child martyr killed by Jews - story.
20. *Sir Thopas* - Sir Thopes, Elf Queen, Sir Olifaunt ('Elephant'), Mock Heroic - story by Chaucer himself
21. *The Tale of Melibee* - Melibee, his wife Dame Prudence, three enemies, in prose - Story by Chaucer himself.
22. *The Monk's Tale* - Collection of 17 short stories.
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