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Most important Short Questions with Answers Sea Fever by John Masefield

  Sea Fever 1) Who wrote the poem ‘Sea Fever’? Ans:- John Masefield wrote the poem ’Sea Fever’. 2) What was the favourite place of the poet?  Ans:- To see the sea was the favourite place of the poet.  3) What do you mean by steer?  Ans:- Steer means to control the direction of movement.  4) What was the colour of mist on the sea’s face?  Ans:- The colour of the mist was grey.  5) What thing did not the poet deny?  Ans:- The poet can not deny the call of running tide.  6) Write the name of Sea-bird?  Ans:- Sea-gull is the name of a sea-bird.  7) Who wants to live a gypsy life?  Ans:- The poet wants to become a gypsy life.  8) Write the name of the sea-animal?  Ans:- Whale, a name of the sea-animal.  9) What do you mean by whetted knife? Ans:- Whetted knife means sharpened knife.  10) What kind of day does the poet prefer for siling?  Ans:- The poet prefers vagrant gypsy lives in a sea-gull and whale’s way.  11) What does the poet do when the

The growth and development of Raju in R.K Narayan in The Guide


Being a master , R.K Narayan the Indian novelist in his novels, presents his characters with all simplicity, wholeness, ignorance, experience, virtues and vices. Perhaps all his characters, Raju in  The Guide is beyond any comparison. Though this noble consist of the features of a picaresque novel, yet Narayan finally shifts Raju from his status to the statue of a universal guide, who guides an entire human race into salvation thus he rises at the end like a Phoenix from the ashes, a Picaro turned Pilgrim in the midway the character has to undergo many steps to complete his growth and development.

The role of a guide  trusted upon Raju from he admits" it is written on the brow of some that they shall not be left alone". He even possesses the ability to guide others, a rare leadership quality. Being a railway vendor,he used to face the enquiries of many tourists regarding many sites and places. While replying to their queries, he soon amuse the person of a guide as he say:''I learnt while I taught and earned while I learnt"

In the path of life, Raju faces many crises, first of which lies in the crisis of love after performing the role of a mentor to the dancer, named Rosie. Raju says "my troubles would not have started…. But for Rosie".He falls in love with a married woman and the abundant wife comes at his home and leads him to financial ruin, even a barrier comes between Raju and his mother.At this juncture looking at the dancing ability of Rosie, Raju decides to use this art commercially.

Crisis follows Raju to an extent as if it is known to be ending regarding him.He concealed that fact from Rosie ,her husband Marco has sent a book written by him "The cultural History of South India" and later the fact that he has also sent a document performing to her jewelry. Leter is avarice attitude leads him to forge her signature for the obtaining of the jewelry, an act which leads him in imprisonment but even in this Raju's become the persona of  "A Model" for the others.

the release from the prison also drives him into another crisis for he cannot came back to his home again,so,he reached in new city and seat in a dilapidated temple, a villager name Velanl comes to him with a problem. After solving the problem of his sister, he becomes a great man and follows him as the bee of the honey. He assumed the role of another kind of Guide. To see, the faith of poor people to him, he has to play the role of a sincere, genuine, honest, benevolent guide for the first time in his career. He becomes a reluctant 'Massiah' when the misreporting of his statement by the moronic brother of Valen misguide the villagers into believing that the Swami is undertaking Twelve Days fast to bring nourishing rain to be parched land.

If he had ill treated to his maternal uncle, break with his friendship with close friend Gaffur, even Marco only for Rosie this are wiped outout and join the Ganges river of Raju's mind .But even critics have dubbed his death a case of personal salvation and a penance for his own sins.He undergoes a rebirth to emerge as a purest of man, the most sacrificial of saints. In his death, he is like Bhagirath who have sacrificed himself for bringing the Ganges ,with Dadhichi, who had died to save mankind ." It's sagged down" -- the novel ends with this statement and the misguided guide thus turned a true guide at the end we can say to Raju,the savior, the Martyr, a true Sadhu,a Mahatma.


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Most important Short Questions with Answers Sea Fever by John Masefield

  Sea Fever 1) Who wrote the poem ‘Sea Fever’? Ans:- John Masefield wrote the poem ’Sea Fever’. 2) What was the favourite place of the poet?  Ans:- To see the sea was the favourite place of the poet.  3) What do you mean by steer?  Ans:- Steer means to control the direction of movement.  4) What was the colour of mist on the sea’s face?  Ans:- The colour of the mist was grey.  5) What thing did not the poet deny?  Ans:- The poet can not deny the call of running tide.  6) Write the name of Sea-bird?  Ans:- Sea-gull is the name of a sea-bird.  7) Who wants to live a gypsy life?  Ans:- The poet wants to become a gypsy life.  8) Write the name of the sea-animal?  Ans:- Whale, a name of the sea-animal.  9) What do you mean by whetted knife? Ans:- Whetted knife means sharpened knife.  10) What kind of day does the poet prefer for siling?  Ans:- The poet prefers vagrant gypsy lives in a sea-gull and whale’s way.  11) What does the poet do when the