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Most important Short Questions with Answers Sea Fever by John Masefield

  Sea Fever 1) Who wrote the poem ‘Sea Fever’? Ans:- John Masefield wrote the poem ’Sea Fever’. 2) What was the favourite place of the poet?  Ans:- To see the sea was the favourite place of the poet.  3) What do you mean by steer?  Ans:- Steer means to control the direction of movement.  4) What was the colour of mist on the sea’s face?  Ans:- The colour of the mist was grey.  5) What thing did not the poet deny?  Ans:- The poet can not deny the call of running tide.  6) Write the name of Sea-bird?  Ans:- Sea-gull is the name of a sea-bird.  7) Who wants to live a gypsy life?  Ans:- The poet wants to become a gypsy life.  8) Write the name of the sea-animal?  Ans:- Whale, a name of the sea-animal.  9) What do you mean by whetted knife? Ans:- Whetted knife means sharpened knife.  10) What kind of day does the poet prefer for siling?  Ans:- The poet prefers vagrant gypsy lives in a sea-gull and whale’s way.  11) What does the poet do when the

A note of Symbolism on One Act Play Thirst

A symbol is something that represents an idea, a process or a physical entity which is very significant in literature. Which is used to signify something else, and is known as a symbol.Eugene O'Neill's One Act Play "Thirst" is symbolic in essence. Many major symbols play a vital role in the play. The play is about a ship-wreck and the helplessness of three characters and it proceeds beyond the merely factual in its concern with the universal plight of man is pitiless universe in Thirst, the symbols heightened the atmosphere of mystery,fear, horror and terror, pity and frustration.

The setting itself is symbolic. The sky is 'pitilessly clear', the sun is 'like a great anger of God' and the sea too 'cruel'. The personifying phrases symbolise the fact that they are not only natural entities but also they are inimical two men. The Gentleman and the Dancer both drowned in the sea of symbols in the course of the play. The Gentleman declears ,"But today everything is red". The Dancer too sees'crimson spot' and later her face is 'crimson with sunburn' then she also finds the sky is 'raining drop of blood'. Thus phrases symbolise death.

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Water, the source and symbol of life, stands in shark contact to the symbols of lifelessness and violence. Anyone who wants to give everything for a drop of fresh water in an extreme situation. The Sharks are associated as the symbol of death. The situation is that water is plenty but this water is not drink worthy. Once can recollect a few lines from Coleridge's poem Rime of the Ancient Mariner: "water, water everywhere...nor any drop to drink".Hope also represents a symbol of the delusive nature of humans. Green is the symbol of life and fertility and it suggests the heartbreaking reality of the absence of succour in human existence.

Some of the symbols serve an ironic function. The most important thing is the menu card. It speaks about a sumptuous meal. Consisting of ' Martini Cocktail, soup,sherry, burgundy, chicken, champagne'. But in extreme situations,they are helpless to eat a bit of bread and a drop of water. The diamond necklace,too,is an ironic symbol. Though it symbolises the great value to the Dancer now it proves worthless, similarly the Dancer's dance and her sexually pleasing body fail to win the heart of the Sailor.

The last but not the name of the characters are also symbolic rather than individual Pero. The Gentleman represents the typically well-established middle class white man,whereas the dancer symbolises the entire class of struggling women in order to the Sailor represent the Ostracized cross-bird with a mental job. In this way,the dramatist increases the tragic atmosphere of the drama of Thirst by applying the symbols. The appeal of the symbols reach to the readers and may be understanding every point of view as symbols.


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Most important Short Questions with Answers Sea Fever by John Masefield

  Sea Fever 1) Who wrote the poem ‘Sea Fever’? Ans:- John Masefield wrote the poem ’Sea Fever’. 2) What was the favourite place of the poet?  Ans:- To see the sea was the favourite place of the poet.  3) What do you mean by steer?  Ans:- Steer means to control the direction of movement.  4) What was the colour of mist on the sea’s face?  Ans:- The colour of the mist was grey.  5) What thing did not the poet deny?  Ans:- The poet can not deny the call of running tide.  6) Write the name of Sea-bird?  Ans:- Sea-gull is the name of a sea-bird.  7) Who wants to live a gypsy life?  Ans:- The poet wants to become a gypsy life.  8) Write the name of the sea-animal?  Ans:- Whale, a name of the sea-animal.  9) What do you mean by whetted knife? Ans:- Whetted knife means sharpened knife.  10) What kind of day does the poet prefer for siling?  Ans:- The poet prefers vagrant gypsy lives in a sea-gull and whale’s way.  11) What does the poet do when the