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Most important Short Questions with Answers Sea Fever by John Masefield

  Sea Fever 1) Who wrote the poem ‘Sea Fever’? Ans:- John Masefield wrote the poem ’Sea Fever’. 2) What was the favourite place of the poet?  Ans:- To see the sea was the favourite place of the poet.  3) What do you mean by steer?  Ans:- Steer means to control the direction of movement.  4) What was the colour of mist on the sea’s face?  Ans:- The colour of the mist was grey.  5) What thing did not the poet deny?  Ans:- The poet can not deny the call of running tide.  6) Write the name of Sea-bird?  Ans:- Sea-gull is the name of a sea-bird.  7) Who wants to live a gypsy life?  Ans:- The poet wants to become a gypsy life.  8) Write the name of the sea-animal?  Ans:- Whale, a name of the sea-animal.  9) What do you mean by whetted knife? Ans:- Whetted knife means sharpened knife.  10) What kind of day does the poet prefer for siling?  Ans:- The poet prefers vagrant gypsy lives in a sea-gull and whale’s way.  11) What does the poet do when the

Most Important 15 topics with Quotations about Great Expectations

1) Who wrote the Novel?  One of the best Victorian novelists, Charles Dickens wrote the Famous bildungsroman Great Expectations , the Nobel was first published in the All The Year Round Magazine from 1860 to 1861 . 2) What type of genre is Great Expectations? *Novel : #Bildungsroman : for the autobiography of the Writer. #Gothic novel : For The Satis House's atmosphere and Miss Havisham's point of view. #Social criticism : Judgement of the characters in the parameters of Social Status rather than inner character.  #Victorian Novel : For the purpose of writing time in the Victorian Age. 3) What are the main Characters: #Pip : The hero of the Novel,he falls in love with Estella, becoming a gentleman by the help of Magwitch. #Miss Havisham : A wealthy, eccentric Spinster-woman with witty love experience. #Estella : The beautiful but cold heroine, she represents the life of wealth and culture for which Pip strives. #Abel Magwitch : A Convict to steal food and a good

Topmost 15 topics about the Novel Anna Karenina

1) About Writer and published date: Russian one of the best writers Leo Tolstoy wrote the novel Anna Karenina , he was not only novelist but philosopher of knowledge, Romanticist of sensational ideas and transcendentalist of peaceful mind. This book was first published in 1878 as the book form but released in The Russian Messenger as serial installments from 1873 to 1877 . 2) Main Characters : Anna Karenina : is the tragic heroine of the novel.who is the central figure of the Novel . Vronsky : the lover of Anna Karenina , who was a wealthy and handsome military officer. Karenin : husband of Anna Karenina , who was a high ranking government minister. 3) Themes : marriage, hypocrisy, family, society, faith, jealousy, lust, passion, fidelity. 4) What are the opening lines of Anna Karenina? “All happy families resemble each other; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” 5) What mental illness did Anna Karenina have ? Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a menta

Jaques explains Seven Stages of Man from As You Like It.

Lonely man can tell good speeches anytimes, that is full fill in William Shakespeare's In  Act-2 Scene-7 of  Comedy Play As You Like It , the seven stages of man depicted by Jaques . It is very thought- provoking, cynical and pessimistic in its metaphorical message, making the world a stage, life to be a play and human being actors in the gloomy drama of life. 1) Infancy 2) Schoolboy 3) Teenager 4) Young man 5) Middle aged 6) Old shed 7) Dotage & death The first stage of "Infancy" , a period from birth to about a few years of age is an important time, characterized by physical and emotional growth and development. It is a stage of ' mewling and puking in the nurse's arms '- with the support of other fellow actors like parents, nurses and servants. Quote : “ At first the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms.”   The next stage is of a "School Boy" reluctant to attend the school so carely. His ' shining morning face '

Character of Touchstone in the light of As You Like It.

Introduction : Amid the Shakespeare's pleasant Characters, Touchstone in " As You Like It" will always remain one of the paradigmatic touchstones. Much more important than In Dogberry in " Much Ado ", much more comic than Malvolio in " Twelfth Night " and much more witty than Bottom in "A Midsummer Night's Dream". He transforms the jealousy-riven and love-laden structure of the Play into a texture of joy and hairy, humour and peasantry. As John Palmer points out, " His part in the comedy is to shed the light of reality and common sense upon its fanciful figure and diversions  in "Comic Characters in Shakespeare". Touchstone to  Reality: Touchstone opens the door of reality alone and can set both the court and the idyllic Arden, both hated and love-enchanted. Although it has often been maintained that Touchstone is all Wit and no emotion. One must esteem him as a royal servant who without any illusion as

Top Most 14 Important Topics about Far From The Madding Crowd

1) Who is the writer of the Novel Far From The Madding Crowd? Victorian Writer and the famous creator of Tragic Heroine Thomas Hardy wrote the Novel Far From The Madding Crowd . 1874 is the publication year but anonymously appears in monthly serial in Cornhill Magazine, 2) What kind of Novel Far From the Madding Crowd? *Pastoral Novel for the Wessex region *Rustic Novel for Rustic Characters *Victorian Novel for the written timeline of the Victorian Age. 3) What does the title Far From the Madding Crowd mean? A peaceful place from the frenzied actions of any large crowd or from the bustle civilization of town. 4) What is the theme of Far from the madding crowd? Fate, True Love, Pastoral Life. *Fate: Everything is determined by fate. *True Love : Gabriel's true love for Bathsheba *Pastoral Life : Rustic Characters are happy with Farming and Sheeping  5) Who are the main characters in Far from the Madding crowd?   *Gabriel Oak : A true Lover of Bathsheba and down to ear

Comment on the title of Abhigyan shakuntalam with Quotes

Introduction : Title is very important to find out the extract of the plot. In Abhigyan shakuntalam was a great example to identify the whole story by the touch of title. Kalidasa very nicely presented the whole story in the essence of the title that was reflected with a Ring which is the main theme and reason of misunderstanding. It is important to note that the title does not belong to male characters but female characters. Show time for analysis of the whole story though the title. True love of Shakuntala : Shakuntala was an Ashram girl of Tapovan . She was very tender and soft minded. She doesn't know how to trick anybody, especially in the name of love. When Dushyant met her and expressed his love, Shakuntala was very happy for it and she did Gandharv marriage with Dushyanta without any hesitation. So here it is proved her love was pure and ultimate reached her destination in the name of True love Quote : "The mind of age is like a lamp Whose oil is

The Lady of Shalott is the full of Romantic Elements

Introduction : Victorian Poet Alfred Tennyson came back into the Romantic Age in his Poem, The Lady of Shalott like William Wordsworth, S.T.Coleridge , John Keats , Shelley and more through Romantic Elements . Romantic Poem based on: Imagination, Nature, Supernaturalism, symbol, Love, Pastoral Life and Individuality . Most Romantic Elements are available in the Poem of The Lady of Shalott. The poem appeared in 1833 and was based on Malory's " Morte D' Arthur". Natural Beauty: It is one of the most Romantic Elements of all Romantic Poems. In The Lady of Shalott, the natural panorama is a phenomenon. The poem begins with a description of the landscape: 1) "On either side the river lie Long fields of barley and or rye,"(1-2) 2) After a short break of natural things: "Willow whiten aspens quiver, Little breeze dusk and Shiver"(10-11). The house of Shallot also taken place into the heart of nature called " Water House" , cover

The Sound and The Fury is a Psychological cum stream of consciousness Novel

Psychological problem is the topmost problem of most of people, they are try to understand what happens actually in one's mind and how to solve the problem of it. This question's solution is The Sound and the Fury by the American Famous Novelist William Faulkner . The Novel does not have any specific plot because Psychological problem has not any structure but the only flow of thoughts and their reactions. The Novelist for the first time in American Literature mixed the exact and perfect technique " Stream of Consciousness " that is perfect for a Psychological Novel. Psychological Novel deals with thought, memories and reactions and does not flow the structure of plot. Jason Compson III - An alcoholic and the head of the Compson family. Caroline Compson - An Hypochondriac woman and the wife of Jason Compson III. Benjy - A mentally handicapped boy of the Compson family. Quentin - A depressed student and the eldest son of the Compson family. And he

Most Important Characters of Pride and Prejudice:

Elizabeth Bennet: 20 years old Elizabeth Bennet with multi-characters personality, the second daughter of the Bennet family . She doesn't believe in the conventional Marriage of an aristocratic family but love is the pure essence of the marriage. She is not an introvert but an extrovert and wants to free herself in the name of happiness. Family responsibilities is another character of hers, she is much more concerned than her eldest sister Jane about her youngest sister Lidia but most interesting two parts of character are pride and prejudice . She is proud of her high spirit and good looking like an aristocratic Personality, does not fear to talk to anyone with straightforward manner and prejudice about the wrong judgement of Mr.Darcy , would be husband of Elizabeth Bennet. When Darcy first time rejected the proposal of Elizabeth for dance at the ball in Netherfield , after that Elizabeth does not tolerate any work of Mr.Darcy and When Wickham product negative t

Doctor Faustus is a Renaissance Man.

Introduction: Doctor Faustus is the most celebrated play of Christopher Marlowe . Marlowe belonged to the Elizabethan Age and he was an individual of the top University Wits of his age. He did not write lots of plays on the other hand each of his plays are of superiority and he was easily composed with his contemporary William Shakespeare. In Doctor Faustus ,we can acquire Renaissance   Elements and severals general public think tha t Doctor Faustus is a Renaissance Man. Renaissance: The word Renaissance have in mind Rebirth . Here it means Rebirth of Classical consciousness of Greece and Rome. What happened subsequently the Roman Empire got destroyed? Europe strike down into darkened generation and then,the christan religion was the predominant force. There was no good education and knowledge. average people did not chalk up whatever scope of gaining consciousness and this course of action belief became bounteous characteristic in the sovereign state However,in t

The Scarlet letter is a Puritan based Psychological Novel.

Introduction: A single mistake that was deadly in the principles of Puritan Society , spoiled the lives of four characters - Hester Prynne , Roger Chillingworth, Arthur Dimmesdale, Pearl in the Classic Novel "The Scarlet Letter" . American Famous  Novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne enters the depth of psychology of the characters to find an interior Monologue that is based on Puritan Society. Puritan Society strictly follows their rules to achieve a better life. Adultery is the most punishable offence in the law of Puritan Society and public trials and punishments were used as a tool to prevent others from committing adultery or other crimes. The Whole story "The Scarlet Letter '' presented the Psychological atmosphere of the characters and punished mentally and physically by the Puritan Society and the flows of the stream of consciousness. A Scarlet Letter or a sign "A" represents Adultery that was an offence in the Puritan Society. Hester