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Most important Short Questions with Answers Sea Fever by John Masefield

  Sea Fever 1) Who wrote the poem ‘Sea Fever’? Ans:- John Masefield wrote the poem ’Sea Fever’. 2) What was the favourite place of the poet?  Ans:- To see the sea was the favourite place of the poet.  3) What do you mean by steer?  Ans:- Steer means to control the direction of movement.  4) What was the colour of mist on the sea’s face?  Ans:- The colour of the mist was grey.  5) What thing did not the poet deny?  Ans:- The poet can not deny the call of running tide.  6) Write the name of Sea-bird?  Ans:- Sea-gull is the name of a sea-bird.  7) Who wants to live a gypsy life?  Ans:- The poet wants to become a gypsy life.  8) Write the name of the sea-animal?  Ans:- Whale, a name of the sea-animal.  9) What do you mean by whetted knife? Ans:- Whetted knife means sharpened knife.  10) What kind of day does the poet prefer for siling?  Ans:- The poet prefers vagrant gypsy lives in a sea-gull and whale’s way.  11) What does the poet do when the
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Most important Short Questions with Answers from Our Runaway Kite by Lucy maud Montgomery

Short Questions with Answers from Our Runaway Kite by  Lucy maud Montgomery 1) Who wrote the story "Our Runaway Kite"?  Ans:- Lucy maud Montgomery wrote the story Our Runaway Kite.  2) What is the name of the island?  Ans:- Big Half Moon is the name of the island. 3) What is the name of the narrator's brother? Ans:- Claude is the name of the narrator's brother.  4) What was the Occupation of the narrator's fathers? Ans:- Narrator's father was the keeper of the Big Half Moon lighthouse.  5) What is a lighthouse?  Ans:- Lighthouse is a tower containing a strong beam of light to guide and warn ships near the coast.  6) Write the name of two islands from the text? Ans:- Big Half Moon and Mainland the name of two islands from the text.  7) What was the name of the narrator's aunt?  Ans:- Esther was the name of the narrator's aunt.  8) What was the name of the narrator's cousin?  Ans:- Dick and Mimi are the names of the narrator's cousins

Most Important texual grammar QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS from THE PROPOSAL

  [ TEXTUAL GRAMMAR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS  FROM THE PROPOSAL ] Voice Change I inherited my land. Ans. My land was inherited by me. What did you say? Ans. What was said by you? I've always loved you. Ans. You have always been loved by me. Bring him back Ans. Let him be brought back. You can take it to Court. Ans. It can be taken to court by you. Shut up.                                                                                                                Ans. You are ordered to shut up. I cannot continue this discussion. Ans. This discussion cannot be continued. I must ask your pardon.  Ans. Y our pardon must be asked by me. I don't want Meadows. Ans. Meadows are not wanted by me. Please don't shout. Ans. You are requested not to shout. Give me a knife. Ans. You are asked/ordered to give me a knife. I give you my blessing. Ans. My blessing is given to you. We're shelling peas for drying. Ans. Peas are being shelled for drying by us. Madam, please b

6 marks important questions and Answers from Asleep in the Valley H.S Previous years

  1) “The humming insects don’t disturb his rest” – Who rest and where? Why is his rest not disturbed by the insects? [1+2+3 = 6] [H.S. – 2020] Ans. This quoted line taken from Arthur Rimbaud’s poem ‘Asleep in the valley’. Here, A young soldier rests in the valley. The young soldier rests with open-mouthed in the midst of a small green valley where a slow stream flows and surrounded by mountains. He lies on the heavy undergrowth that serves as a soft bed and fern grows beneath his head that serves as a pillow. The humming insects don’t disturb the young soldier's rest because he is in his eternal rest. Nobody can not break his eternal rest in mortal life. War took away his happy life to shoot death by two bullets and the young soldier took a permanent rest from the tragic world. 2) “A soldier, very young, lies open-mouthed,” – Who is the soldier referred to here? Narrate in your own words how the soldier lies in the valley? [2+4 = 6] [H.S. – 2016] Ans. This quoted line

6 marks important questions and Answers from The Proposal H.S Previous years

1) “And it’s impossible for me not to marry.” – Why is the speaker so interested in marriage? Whom does he want to marry and why?  [3+1+2 = 6]  [H.S. = 2020] OR *Why did Lomov think about taking a decision about getting married? Whom did he want to marry? Why?  [3+1+2 = 6] [H.S. = 2016] OR *Lomov came with a proposal to marry Natalya Stepanovna. What logic does he give for his decision? [6]  [H.S. = 2019] Ans) This quoted line is taken from The Onc-act play "The Proposal" written by Russian Playwright Anton Chekhov. Here, Lomov is the speaker. Lomov made a decision about getting married.and obviously there were some reasons. He thought he was already 35 years old. According to him, it was a critical age for marriage otherwise he would be unable to marry. He wanted to live a simple and regular life. He had several nervous disorders because of Palpitations. So, without wasting any time looking for a life partner, that is Natalya and he decided to get married.  Lomov

Very short answers of The Proposal by Anton Chekhov

Short Questions and Answers from The Proposal 1. Who wrote the play "The Proposal" ?  Ans: Anton Chekhov wrote the play " the proposal" . 2.In which country did the writer belong to?  Ans: Anton Chekhov belonged to Russia . 3. Who translated the play into the English version ? Ans : Julius  West translated the play in English.  4. Write another work by Anton Chekhov ?  Ans: The Cherry Orchard was another work by Anton Chekhov . 5. What is the One-act play ?  Ans: The One-act is one kind of drama with a single act in which the dramatic situation is the most important part rather than the characters or plot .  6. Who was Chubukov ?  Ans: Chubukov  was a landowner and the father of Natalya .  7. What was the age of Natalya?  Ans: Natalya was twenty- five years old .  8. Write some adjectives to lomov by Chubukov ?  Ans:  My angel, my dear fellow,my precious, my treasure are some adjectives to lomov by Chubukov.  9. What is aside ?  Ans: Aside is a lit