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Most important Short Questions with Answers Sea Fever by John Masefield

  Sea Fever 1) Who wrote the poem ‘Sea Fever’? Ans:- John Masefield wrote the poem ’Sea Fever’. 2) What was the favourite place of the poet?  Ans:- To see the sea was the favourite place of the poet.  3) What do you mean by steer?  Ans:- Steer means to control the direction of movement.  4) What was the colour of mist on the sea’s face?  Ans:- The colour of the mist was grey.  5) What thing did not the poet deny?  Ans:- The poet can not deny the call of running tide.  6) Write the name of Sea-bird?  Ans:- Sea-gull is the name of a sea-bird.  7) Who wants to live a gypsy life?  Ans:- The poet wants to become a gypsy life.  8) Write the name of the sea-animal?  Ans:- Whale, a name of the sea-animal.  9) What do you mean by whetted knife? Ans:- Whetted knife means sharpened knife.  10) What kind of day does the poet prefer for siling?  Ans:- The poet prefers vagrant gypsy lives in a sea-gull and whale’s way.  11) What does the poet do when the

A note on Metaphysical Poets or Poems in English Literature

Introduction: In the 17th Century a  new sensation of spirituality was blowing in the history of English Literature that was none but Metaphysical Poems by Metaphysical poets. They shook the Literary world to give immortality to philosophy and spiritual love in the name of Metaphysical . This term is related to metaphysics , derived from the Greek word, Meta means- beyond and Physics means Science . So, metaphysical poems are not discussed in the sense of science. Other poets's point of view: According to  Augustan poet John Dryden , John Donne was inspired the essence of metaphysics in his " Discourse " and Dr. Johnson  used this Metaphysical term from Dryden's phrase and used it for Metaphysical poets , On the other hand, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote, about metaphysical "The unnatural, that too is natural". Metaphysical poets and Metaphysical elements: Most prominent metaphysical poet is John Donne and other works were for

The classic Novel Wuthering Heights as a Gothic Novel by Emily Bronte

Introduction: Emily Bronte best Classic far-famed chronicle " Wuthering heights " is an advantageous combination of "Gothic elements". Gothic novel is a genre of creative writings that connects fundamentals of both fear and loathing and romance in gothic history. The aerosphere is gloomy, brat and mysterious in the novel " Wuthering Heights ". We face-off a sky which is disconsolate and lonely the senile mansion Wuthering Heights and the wasteland entirety non-standard in to be dingy and mysterious  Mysterious House:  Gothic novel is recurrently set on a washed-up stronghold or irreclaimable house. The background of Wuthering heights is furthermore a destroyed fortress which is full-of-the-moon of terrorism and mystery. In Gothic novel the leading character is unremarkably villain. We acquisition a blackguard anti-hero in death-dealing elevations whose denomination is Heathcliff, Heathcliff is the beyond comparison Gothic Villain .   He is

Write a note on Pre- Raphaelite Poets or Poems in English literature

Before the discussion of Pre- Raphaelite Poets or Poem , Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood or Pre- Raphaelite Movement is very important to know, because Without Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, Pre- Raphaelite Poets do not exist. What is the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood or movement? Pre- Raphaelite is an artistic Movement started in England in 1948 by a group of poets , painters and critics, mainly three - Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William H. Hunt, John Everett Millais in London and called the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood who rejected the artistic creativity by Raphael , the Italian great painter that was started by the English Royal Academy. How many members were Pre-Raphaelite? There are seven members of a group with poets,painters and critics. William H. Hunt, John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Michael Rossetti, James Collinson, Frederic George Stephens and Woolner in 1948 in London in response to the English Royal Academy of Arts. Some names of Artistic paint

Write a note on the Stream of Consciousness or Interior Monologue.

Stream of consciousness: Nobody cannot stop the flow of the river , it constantly moves similarly, Stream of Consciousness is the constant flow of thought of the characters into interior monologue that cannot be stopped in past, present and future. Who Coined this Term? William James in his Principal of Psychology (1890), used this term. Quote : “Consciousness… is nothing joined; it flows. A ‘river’ or a ‘stream’ are the metaphors by which it is most naturally described. In talking of it hereafter, let us call it the stream of thought, of consciousness, or of subjective life.” What kind of plot is used here? Thought process of Character used as a plot to describe the details of mind flow thinking. Characteristics of Stream of Consciousness: Continuously flow of unconscious thoughts of the character. Every minute details are described in the novel. It is a process of Thought, Feeling, Memories, Reactions. Not follow the Conventional rule of Syntax and Punctuation Totally co

Write a Note on Confessional Poetry

What is Confessional Poetry? Confessional Poetry means Personal Poem of the poet in where the narrator is First Person -"I", described extreme moments of individual experience, specially Taboo, such as- Suicide, Drug abuse, Sexuality, Alcoholism, Mental illness, Depression, Psyche, guilty. Who coined This Term? The founder of "School of Confessional Poetry", Robert Lowell used this " Confessional " term in his " Life Studies '' book. And this poetry emerged from the United States during the late 1950s and early 1960s. Elements of Confessional Poetry: Autobiographical concept Lyrical Balance Narration of First Person Intimate subject matter. Examples of The this Poetry: Daddy Lady Lazarus Nick and The Candlestick Summer in Calcutta Skunk Hour and Waking in Blue Famous poets: Robert Lowell Alycia Plath John Berryman Kamala Das Anne Sexton W.D. Snodgrass Allen Ginsberg Marie Howe Sharon Overview of the poems: Daddy : It is Sylvia Pla

Write a note on War Poets or Anti-War Poem

The War Poets  or the Trench poets are known as Anti-War poets because the soldier cum poets not show the brevity of war but the futility of war . War poetry is nothing but the shadow of brutal life among the soldiers during the First World War. The War Poets wrote their poetry to raise the question either life or death; National Pride or own existence; duty or guilt; courage or cowardness. Rupard Brooke, Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, Robert Graves, Ivor Gurney, Isaac Rosenberg are the most prominent Anti-War Poets. They are all involved directly into the War and eye witness to see the brutality in the name of National Pride at the battlefield. Wilfred Owen: (1893-1918 ) He was one of the most prominent Anti-War Poets during the First World War as well as a soldier. He wrote many poems about war but only five poems were published in his lifetime but most important poems are published posthumously. Futility , Strange Meeting, Insensibility , Dulce et Decorum est are

Write a note on University Wits

University Wits are none but the works of great  intellectual  scholars of Oxford and Cambridge University .They flourished Dramas during the Elizabethan Era and obviously before Macbeth Writer Shakespeare . The University Wits is a phrase that was made famous by late 16th century English Playwrights and Pamphleteers who were educated from Oxford and Cambridge but this term was coined by George Saintsbury . Christopher Marlowe, Robert Greene, Thomas Nashe are the scholars of Cambridge and John Lyly, Thomas Lodge, George Peele are the wits of Oxford University. Thomas Kyd was not of University but he also counted as a University Wits. They were usually actors and dramatists. University Wits reached the top point of the drama and gave a sensational stamina to boost up the thinking mind of the audience as well as readers. Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593): He is the evergreen shining star of University Wits. He shook the drama World to write top most Plays, mainly Tragic P

Is Macbeth a Villain or a Hero?

  Is Macbeth a villain or a hero? --Justify In the realm of Shakespearean   Heroes besides Hamlet , Othello and King Lear , the one Hero  who stands non-parallel is none other than Macbeth in the play of Macbeth . As a hero,he is outstanding in courage, heroic power, valour and poetic quality. The hero shut the mercy of mankind by murdering innocent ones. Thus becoming the title villain after his name . Wilson Knight called Macbeth 'the apocalypse of evil ' in The Wheel Of Fire. Rightly Ray Walker said that ," If Hamlet is the study of a moral man in an immoral society, Macbeth is the study of an immoral man of a moral society".      The witches in the very first scene utterance: " Fair is foul,foul is fair '' this is what strikes the key note of the play Macbeth .  A noteworthy and quoteworthy face is that in Macbeth , first appearance he almost utter the same, "So foul and fair a day I haven't seen " , thus making a like wi

Key note on Epistolary Novel

 Epistolary Novel  It is a one kind of famous novel that is written as a series of documents basically in Letter format. Elements Dialogue Format Emphasis on thoughts Interior Feelings Boundless Emotions Derived  That term derived from Greek word " Epistole " that means a Letter and this term coined by James Howell (1594–1666) with "Familiar Letters" Influenced  Epistolary Novel based on Realism to a story and impacts the working of real life from a different point of view. Popular In the 18th century, this genre became popular through the works of Samuel Richardson's successful Novels Pamela (1740) and Clarissa (1748). Famous Epistolary Novels : Pamela:(1740):  Samuel Richardson's successful first epistolary novel Pamela, It tells the story of a 15 years old maidservant Pamela who is able to  protect her chastity from the wealthy landowner Mr.B. It is a story of Moral Ethics. Clarissa (1748)   The pathetic story of a young woman, Clarissa

The Great Gatsby as a True tragedic love story

  Content: Introduction American Dream Gatsby's Love Gatsby's Weekend Party The secret of the accident Gatsby's Furenal Ceremony Conclusion Introduction: American famous Novelist F.Scott Fitzgerald shook the Literary world to write a Magnum Opus " The Great Gatsby ", based on a true story but the real name of Gatsby is missing in the novel. It is not only the novel of American dream but also the novel of true Love Story of Gatsby. The Great Gatsby is the story of Jay Gatsby , he established himself as a millionaire , his love affair with Daisy and tragic ending with Gatsby's murder to stop all his fame and name but still Gatsby was great, that is the the most important fact that totally justified the title but time for justify Gatsby as a true lover. American Dream :   Everyone wants to fulfill one's dream but dream is an unconscious state of mind that is a mixture of reality and imagination that you must understand to read Sigmund Fr

To Kill A Mockingbird as a Southern Gothic Novel

Introduction : Like Tony Morrison's Southern Gothic Novel "Beloved", American Novelist Harper Lee wrote "To Kill A Mockingbird" and achieved the prestigious Pulitzer prize and selected her Novel to create Academy Award films . Southern Gothic Novel is a genre of American Gothic Novels that became popular in the mid 19th century. To Kill A Mockingbird is a Southern Gothic Novel for Racism, innocence, imprisonment, evil, supernatural entities like ghost and ghost house. Racial Injustice: Racism is the major issue of Southern Gothic Novels , Tony Morrison's Beloved is the best example for that. In the Novel , Tom Robinson was published only for Racism by the people of Maycomb , a fictional town in Alabama . He was a black man and accused for raping Mayella but it is not true to know Atticus , A honest lawyer, collected a lots of evidence as a proof to free Tom but Tom as a black man who is unable to justice even Atticus says to Jem, hi

"Waiting For Godot "as a representative of the Theatre of Absurd

          "Waiting For Godot " as a representative of the  Theatre of Absurd   -----explain       The Theatre of the  Absurd is a term coined by critic Martin Esslin , who made the title  of his book on the subject. The term refers to a drama that emphasis es absurdity of human existence by employing disjointed repetitious  and meaningless dialogues proposeless and confusing situations and plots that lacks realistic or logical development which just become popular during the 1950 A.D and 1960 A.D. which presented  on the stage the philosophy articulated by the French philosopher Albert Camus   in his " The Myth of Sisyphus ". primarily deals with the five defining playwrights of the moment- Samuel Beckett of them . Beckett's classic tragicomedy is known for it is lack of plot -        "nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes ,it is awful !"  Two old tramps beneath a single tree,  make jokes of human existence while they  wait

The Influence of French on English Language

Towards the close of the Old English period an event occurred which had a greater effect on English Language than any other in the course of its history. This event was the Norman Conquest in 1066. This Conquest of England by William of Normandy was sure to have a profound influence upon the English Language and change the whole course of the Language . After the Conquest , English remained the Language of the country but French king became that of the government and quickly became a necessity to many who had no sharing in ruling. The Influence of French bloomed large on government and administration except King and Queen. Most of the words owe their origin in French as reign, court, sovereign, country, minister, council, authority, govern, parliament, government, state, crown. The adjectives like courteous, noble, fine and refined are all French . People and nation were originally French words . Even the language of the garden of welfare of English is decora

Sketch the character of Bathsebha

   "Frailly, thy name is woman " - say Hamlet , these observationa if applied to the heroines of Thomas Hardy , then Bathsebha of Far From The Madding Crowd is suitable one to justify this statement .She processes grave features for she is samaritan manager of  farm servant , she is more down to earth then Hardy's   other heroines like Tess , Sue , Infride and Eustacia .If she is tempted it is only because she lacks in a strong and strict guardian behind her .We cannot say either of understanding or like Bathsebha but need some time to justify the character. She is young lady of inconsequential and willful but though misfortune and suffering ,she develops into a wise and good beloved. The matured Bathsebha may have to depends on Gabriel Oak at critical hours but she is a courageous woman in her right and she has been changed by responsibility and disaster . From the very beginning Hardy intents to presents Bathsebha's temperamental impositions to exercis